Why Complicate Your College Life?

Schedule your tasks. Describe them in details. Conquer them with Geeks.

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Join GeeklyHub community to make your study year a success

One of a kind task sharing and tracking tool for students, experienced Geeks, and teachers

Take a look at how GeeklyHub supports your academic year:

For students:

Set alerts and reminders
Schedule homework
Choose your tutors
Collaborate with mates

Greet the Geeks

Online tutors ready to help 24/7
  • Top students in a class
  • Professional tutors
  • The best-rated uni graduates

How exactly does it work

  • Add all tasks from your to-do list

  • Schedule them due to deadlines

  • Estimate time and create reminders

  • Collaborate with mates or ask a Geek for help

Geeks will gladly help you with any study-related request, but only if it is aligned with college policies.

Our Prices

Free to join. Free to plan and manage your tasks. Free to access from any device.

Your basic account plan allows to add and manage up to 50 tasks at no expense. You are free to log in from any device 24/7. The SSL connection secures your data.

30% pre-payment:

Pre-pay only 30%

You only have to pay when you request a tutoring session from a Geek. The final cost depends fully from the time of the session. A fee for our services, in this case, is 15% that is already included in the final cost.

You don't have to pay the full amount at once, just 30% as a pre-payment to get in touch with an assigned Geek. Initiate a full payment after the session is ended.

Still doubting whether to join?

375 students became members of the GeeklyHub community for the last 7 days
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